Forum Rules

    The rules here are short and simple;

    1. No Spamming/Advertising: Advertising of any commercial product or service on these forums is not permitted. Chain letters and pyramid schemes are similarly prohibited.
    2. Flaming: Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Use common sense while posting.
    3. Offensive Content: Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. (This excludes breasts, as I do not see them as objects of sxeual satisfaction.) Use common sense.
    4. Illegal Content: Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain or provide software ("warez") or music is forbidden. More importantly, NO TORRENT FILES.
    5. Cross-posting: Posting a thread in more than one forum is annoying and thus not allowed. Just post it once in the correct place.
    6. Signature Size: To avoid annoyance, signatures should not be more than five lines of text or 100px height. If images are used in a signature, they should be smaller than 15KB.
    7. Copyright and ownership: Comments & forum messages are owned by the poster.
    8. Don't be a pain in the ass: That shit will get you banned.